Become a Member
Academic Membership
A researcher based at an academic research organisation (e.g. inclusive of universities, research institutes, not-for profits, philanthropies, government).
Industry Membership
A person based at a commercial (for profit) organisation
Trainee Membership
Anyone confirmed to be in a training position including students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers. This can be in academic or industry based.
Sign Up Now
All fees include GST and are in Australian Dollars
Annual membership ends on June 30 (note if you join in 2024, membership will expire June 30, 2025 as it is the inaugural year)
Overseas members are welcome
Membership Benefits
Access to the A-RNA Newsletter, a forum for disseminating information to members and discussing issues affecting the association and RNA science in our community.
Numerous professional development opportunities for junior scientists and the potential for greater involvement in the A-RNA association.
Growing your network amongst the RNA research community in Australasia.
Access to a Directory of Members (available on-line) including contact information and additional information about the activities of the Association.
Be eligible to apply for A-RNA Awards.
Job posting/positions available/looking for job section on the A-RNA website – a great opportunity to attract RNA researchers to your employment opportunities.
Discount on registration to the annual meeting